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Fairydrops Mascara and another hit pan!

Fairydrops is a japanese mascara that is super well known in Japan. I had some ebay dollars from my camera purchase of last year and decided to use it on this mascara.

I’ve only started using it this april…and it lasted until today! I really like this mascara. Not only it has a very fun packaging, it performs very well! It makes my lashes real dark and thicker looking.

However, its price point is not as appealing as my  favorite mascara, L’Oreal Voluminous. I would say both are very similar in terms of performance. So…L’Oreal Voluminous wins again!!

Other than trying out a new mascara…something exciting happened in my beauty world!




YES!!! I hit pan on my NARS Laguna bronzer!! This is my 2nd make up product to hit pan on! So satisfying!! I think i still have like 3 years to go before i finish this…I think I had this bronzer back in 2009…sigh…Although I do like this bronzer very much, I am bored with it…I want to try something new! But I told myself not to be a super consumerism! To do not buy just to buy/own it!  I shall finish this bronzer (or when it becomes way too passed due to be used), and then maybe get Guerlain bronzer!

Until next make up update….


Written by zuuchini

Made in Canada. Chinese. Accountant. Gamer. Makeup lover. Love her family.

  • Cyn says:

    Damn!! Le blush que j’ai acheté de NARS est encore comme nouveau!!! LOL

  • Woo! I love NARS Laguna but my fav bronzer is still the Hourglass bronzer. Love!
    Laguna is more subtle and has more shimmer in it x

  • Zuuchini says:

    I actually never heard anyone talking about Hourglass bronzer. I should check it out next time I hit the beauty counter! Laguna shimmer is like non-existant on my skin, though, which is why I like it!

  • Zuuchini says:

    Same here cyn! Tu les utilises souvent?

  • Cyn says:

    Hmmm… not really! Well, my skin is REALLY bad when I came back from Australia and the fall season started!! Because I didn’t feel such dry weather in a long time, I think my skin is EXTRA dry, and really flaky, so I don’t want to put a lot of makeup on it! Ack! Got any good moisturizers to recommend?

  • Zuuchini says:

    I’m actually using all kinds of moisturiser now. But Olay is pretty good for the $$. 🙂 Not overly pricy. About 10$? I like to buy serum to double as moisturizer as well!!

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